Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mornings... UGH!!

Does anyone else have crazy mornings? Mornings at this household are nuts to say the least! Mainly the problem is one, I am NOT a morning person at all! I try, but it just doesn't happen. The longer I am up the better and the longer no one talks to me, the better. If something goes wrong, it sets my whole day off. It has been crazy with school and trying to get two ready. I did it last year to, but this year for some reason our daughter has been a MESS! I am so hoping it gets better. She just whines and whines... I could scream! I try to be patient, but I have to be honest, my patience has reached it's limit with her. She complains about what I have picked her out to wear, so we try to do that at night to avoid it in the mornings. That has worked, but then I have to tell her over and over to get dressed, brush her teeth, put your shoes on, and etc..  She also complains about what she is going to eat. She is stuck on those sausage and biscuits, which we are out of just about as soon as I buy them. It is just crazy!

Also another issue is after all of this with our daughter, on the way to school I try to go over my son's spelling words on our walk there. Well, he just whines about it as well. Homework is a real issue with him now, I pray it gets better! This morning, he asked if we were going to study them and when I said yes, he decided to ride his bike. Well that is fine, however, we should have left about five minutes earlier! UGH! Then due to him not being comfortable riding on the sidewalk, he rides on our street and then pushes it the rest of the way on the sidewalk... DRIVES me crazy!!! Especially when we are running late! Lil'Bug will ususally ride hers off and on, on the sidewalk just depends. We spend more time pushing them than riding them! The other issue with the bikes is there is not a ramp thing for them to go up and down on the sidewalks when we come to a street/driveway. It is very aggravating!

Also this  morning, besides having a bad hair day, which by the way does not help my morning attitude! lol  Lil'Bug has been saying her ear hurts. Well, it has been the same ear and all that. You never know with her because she is always saying something or another hurts, so I have to trust my instinct and see how much she says it over and over. Well, I had looked at her ear yesterday and thought maybe I saw some infection in it, but not really sure. Well she started saying it hurt again this morning. So, I put some drops in it and looked again. Told her I would try to make an appointment. Then I went back to fixing my hair. Well it wasn't long and Bubba came in there and said she had told him that her ear didn't really hurt she was just trying to get out of school. So, do I make the appointment or not? I would still send her to school anyway..  I asked her if she said that and she lied, but then confessed. I tried to explain how she made it hard to trust her and believe her when something was really wrong.

Sorry this is a grumpy post, but I had to vent! I am praying that the Lord will help my attitude in the mornings, because I don't want to send my kids off to school with a grumpy attitude because mommy has yelled all morning. I try really I do. I am not a morning person and going to bed earlier at night is hard for me. I am a night owl. I am worried it is going to just get worse when hubby is away. :(  

Hoping you all have a great day and your days are off to a much better start! I am going to get ready to go to a Bible study and hope that will improve my attitude! :)


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