Monday, August 30, 2010

The Lord always provides!

In my last post, I had posted about how I had agreed to do something, but wasn't sure I really wanted to or even that I could do it. However, when God makes a way and all the signs are there, how can  you run from it?

I think I wrote how I went and got books and DVD at the Library for signing. I have still been reading them and have also been given a great site online to use as well. I really like it because it gives you religious signs and not just everyday signs. Anyway.. :)

On Wed. I had wanted to go to the ladies Bible study at church that morning. I had a meeting at school for Lil'Bug, but had hoped to still get there and enjoy the last part of it and maybe do lunch with the other ladies.  Then I wanted to go by and meet with Diane at work and see her sorenson so she could show me how it worked.  Anyway, I have to admit my day didn't go as I had planned. Hubby didn't leave me the van as I had asked. He thought that since I had the meeting at school I wasn't going to the Bible study. I was more hurt though, that he didn't TRY. We had talked about it and he said he could call another guy up the road for a ride, he never did.. Anyway.. So after he got home, I went to meet Diane at work.

She took me downtown to where they handle the sorensons here in town. Well, the lady there can get me one. I had filled out the application online, but hadn't heard anything. So she set that up for me. Did I mention it was free!! :) I qualified due to my hearing loss. Also, the lady there that is also deaf, but runs the office has agreed to teach me to sign! :) FREE!!! She also is going to set up a lunch with some of the other ladies here so that I can meet them and all that. :)

God is working things out and showing me I am in his will! So, even if I am still not 100% sure about all this, God is providing! He will help me through all my doubts and my fears. He has also provided the sweetest lady for me to work with. She has been so patient with me and encourages me! :) I just love her spirit!! I also should brag on my hubby as well! He has been encouraging me and said that he has watched me and I do really well for such a short time.

I haven't sat in front of her just beside her, but she keeps trying to encourage me to sit in front of her. :) I will soon. She came to our small group Sunday night and she wanted me to sit in front of her, so I did. I think it went okay. I had to laugh though, the lady hosting the small group hadn't seen me interpret and she asked my hubby how I became so fluent in signing! :)  I laughed because I am far from fluent! :)

I hope you all have a blessed Monday and a great week! :)


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