Monday, August 30, 2010

The Lord always provides!

In my last post, I had posted about how I had agreed to do something, but wasn't sure I really wanted to or even that I could do it. However, when God makes a way and all the signs are there, how can  you run from it?

I think I wrote how I went and got books and DVD at the Library for signing. I have still been reading them and have also been given a great site online to use as well. I really like it because it gives you religious signs and not just everyday signs. Anyway.. :)

On Wed. I had wanted to go to the ladies Bible study at church that morning. I had a meeting at school for Lil'Bug, but had hoped to still get there and enjoy the last part of it and maybe do lunch with the other ladies.  Then I wanted to go by and meet with Diane at work and see her sorenson so she could show me how it worked.  Anyway, I have to admit my day didn't go as I had planned. Hubby didn't leave me the van as I had asked. He thought that since I had the meeting at school I wasn't going to the Bible study. I was more hurt though, that he didn't TRY. We had talked about it and he said he could call another guy up the road for a ride, he never did.. Anyway.. So after he got home, I went to meet Diane at work.

She took me downtown to where they handle the sorensons here in town. Well, the lady there can get me one. I had filled out the application online, but hadn't heard anything. So she set that up for me. Did I mention it was free!! :) I qualified due to my hearing loss. Also, the lady there that is also deaf, but runs the office has agreed to teach me to sign! :) FREE!!! She also is going to set up a lunch with some of the other ladies here so that I can meet them and all that. :)

God is working things out and showing me I am in his will! So, even if I am still not 100% sure about all this, God is providing! He will help me through all my doubts and my fears. He has also provided the sweetest lady for me to work with. She has been so patient with me and encourages me! :) I just love her spirit!! I also should brag on my hubby as well! He has been encouraging me and said that he has watched me and I do really well for such a short time.

I haven't sat in front of her just beside her, but she keeps trying to encourage me to sit in front of her. :) I will soon. She came to our small group Sunday night and she wanted me to sit in front of her, so I did. I think it went okay. I had to laugh though, the lady hosting the small group hadn't seen me interpret and she asked my hubby how I became so fluent in signing! :)  I laughed because I am far from fluent! :)

I hope you all have a blessed Monday and a great week! :)


Monday, August 23, 2010

Do I really want to do this?

Have you ever agreed to do something and then almost immediately regret it? Maybe regret isn't the right word. Not sure what is.. Anyway, let me explain.

We are attending a new church and enjoying it. Like I have mentioned before, they have made us feel very welcome! I got a message from the Pastor and his wife the other day on FB that they were excited to see my hubby helping take up offering. They just asked him, so he helped. She said for us to let her know where we wanted to be used/work in the ministries. I did not respond. In all honesty, I felt that maybe we should sorta get settled and see how things go there. Plus, hubby is getting ready to deploy in just a couple of weeks.

The other day when I went to lunch with one of the ladies from church, who has become a quick friend. She told me how there was a deaf lady that comes to church there. I asked her who signed for her and she said no one. I couldn't believe it! My heart went out for this lady, but what a beautiful love for God to come weather she can hear the preaching or not. She can still feel his presents! She knew I could sign a little and decided then to pray that I would be used in that way.

Last night when we got to church, the Pastor came up to me and asked if I could interpret. The lady was there and he had heard that I could.. I told him I knew only a little and it has been a LONG time! However, the best part is that my MIL was here visiting and she can! So I volunteered her to do it! :) She did willingly as long as I went up front and sat with her. So I did.

After church and with the encouragement of my MIL, I agreed to try to work with this lady during services.  Plus, the lady who recommended me is so excited and so is the pastor's wife. I don't want to let them down. I haven't used it in over 5 years or so. I still remember some, but I have forgotten a lot. Not to mention I have never interpreted a preaching service! I can manage a conversation, but a whole service? Songs and all?? I just don't know. I have always felt that I should learn more and wanted to use it somehow, but is this that time? I want to learn it for personal reasons as well. I am not guaranteed hearing in my left ear will remain, so it would benefit me as well. I know that it is just a spirit of fear, but then doubt as well. So I would like for you all to pray for me that I will know if this is something I am supposed to do or not. I want to be in his will and if he wants me to follow through with this then he will help me remember what I did know and have forgotten and learn more.

I did go get books and a DVD at the Library today. So I am working through them and hoping it all sticks! :) Also, Diane (the deaf lady) recommend a phone thing that she has so that we can communicate. I filled out an application for one. It is free and you have to be deaf or hard of hearing, so hopefully I will get one. That way I can chat with her and we can practice that way as well.

Hope you all have had a blessed Monday!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mornings... UGH!!

Does anyone else have crazy mornings? Mornings at this household are nuts to say the least! Mainly the problem is one, I am NOT a morning person at all! I try, but it just doesn't happen. The longer I am up the better and the longer no one talks to me, the better. If something goes wrong, it sets my whole day off. It has been crazy with school and trying to get two ready. I did it last year to, but this year for some reason our daughter has been a MESS! I am so hoping it gets better. She just whines and whines... I could scream! I try to be patient, but I have to be honest, my patience has reached it's limit with her. She complains about what I have picked her out to wear, so we try to do that at night to avoid it in the mornings. That has worked, but then I have to tell her over and over to get dressed, brush her teeth, put your shoes on, and etc..  She also complains about what she is going to eat. She is stuck on those sausage and biscuits, which we are out of just about as soon as I buy them. It is just crazy!

Also another issue is after all of this with our daughter, on the way to school I try to go over my son's spelling words on our walk there. Well, he just whines about it as well. Homework is a real issue with him now, I pray it gets better! This morning, he asked if we were going to study them and when I said yes, he decided to ride his bike. Well that is fine, however, we should have left about five minutes earlier! UGH! Then due to him not being comfortable riding on the sidewalk, he rides on our street and then pushes it the rest of the way on the sidewalk... DRIVES me crazy!!! Especially when we are running late! Lil'Bug will ususally ride hers off and on, on the sidewalk just depends. We spend more time pushing them than riding them! The other issue with the bikes is there is not a ramp thing for them to go up and down on the sidewalks when we come to a street/driveway. It is very aggravating!

Also this  morning, besides having a bad hair day, which by the way does not help my morning attitude! lol  Lil'Bug has been saying her ear hurts. Well, it has been the same ear and all that. You never know with her because she is always saying something or another hurts, so I have to trust my instinct and see how much she says it over and over. Well, I had looked at her ear yesterday and thought maybe I saw some infection in it, but not really sure. Well she started saying it hurt again this morning. So, I put some drops in it and looked again. Told her I would try to make an appointment. Then I went back to fixing my hair. Well it wasn't long and Bubba came in there and said she had told him that her ear didn't really hurt she was just trying to get out of school. So, do I make the appointment or not? I would still send her to school anyway..  I asked her if she said that and she lied, but then confessed. I tried to explain how she made it hard to trust her and believe her when something was really wrong.

Sorry this is a grumpy post, but I had to vent! I am praying that the Lord will help my attitude in the mornings, because I don't want to send my kids off to school with a grumpy attitude because mommy has yelled all morning. I try really I do. I am not a morning person and going to bed earlier at night is hard for me. I am a night owl. I am worried it is going to just get worse when hubby is away. :(  

Hoping you all have a great day and your days are off to a much better start! I am going to get ready to go to a Bible study and hope that will improve my attitude! :)


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Army goes rolling along...

We found out Friday that my dear hubby will be deploying. Not a lot of time. Not much to say about it either. We knew it was coming and expected it, however, they kept changing their minds. I have to say I am still hoping they will change their mind again. I will have to admit, I guess if he has to go this is the best time to go. It isn't for a year, so that is a plus it is going to be less than six months even! Well, that is IF they don't change that either. He is going to meet his unit from here he is being assigned to and then will finish the tour with them and come home. Sorta a waste of time to send him if you ask me, but they don't ask... :)

I will say I have lots of mixed emotions about all of this.


any many many more.. these just came to mind at this time....

Kids took the news well. I am still worried about them of course, because Bubba has been talking a lot about the soldiers deploying and don't come back because they all die over there. So, when I found out that we were going to be dealing with a deployment as well, I dreaded telling them. I think they took it better because it is for a short time and not a year.

The other big thing about all of this is we just GOT HERE! We will just barely be here a month when he leaves! I am getting settled fairly well here and don't mind the town, it is smaller! :) I don't have a lot of friends here, but I have met some nice people and feel somewhat at home at the new church. I think that still takes a while, but it will be just like last time. I guess that is part of that whole transition thing while we were there! :)

So, I guess since they didn't ask and the Army has to keep rolling along..... I am going to put on my big girl panties and deal with it!! One day at a time.. :) "I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust." Psalm 91:2

Well, I am off to try to get more things done around here tonight or maybe I will just watch TV and relax! :) Enjoy the video and music! :)


Monday, August 9, 2010


It has been a while since I last blogged. However, things have been very hectic and crazy for us. Just a few days before the packers arrived to pick up our stuff, our orders were changed once again! Oh some of the joys to Army life. So, we are now at the new station and getting settled.

The house is still an older one. It is some better than the last. I have carpet at least. Dislike having my washer and dryer in the kitchen with no closet to hide it. On the upside it is behind one of the entrances to the kitchen. We only have three bedrooms with little extra storage space. Really hard when you are coming from a four bedroom or another house with lots of storage space. I had to give up my sewing room for what is now considered a sewing corner.. :( I am trying to be positive, but lately more negative than positive...

Hubby has begun inprocessing and seems to be feeling some better. So hopefully that is on the mend as well. His unit is deployed, but we don't know yet if he will have to go and join them or not. We are taking that one day at a time.

Kids started school today. I can't believe my babies are in second grade and starting kindergarten! Where has the time gone? I think they were both a little nervous this morning. I am praying they have a great first day and make friends and like their teachers! :) Little disappointed because Lillian has a long-term sub, which means she will get used to this teacher and then get a new one.

On a good note, the FPUjr. has worked great so far for the kids. They like it! :) Lillian isn't a big saver... lol   It seems to burn a hole in her envelope. lol   Elijah on the other hand has worked hard and saved just about all of his. He wanted a new bike. So, we had agreed to pay half if he saved the other half. Guess what? He did it! :) He picked out one this weekend! He was so excited!! We were so proud of him! :) oh he also gave some of his own money to help a veteran they were raising money to help build him a new house that was accessible for his wheelchair! Such a sweet hearted young man! I am one proud momma! :)  He was home and in no time with his new bike, was riding without training wheels! :) He was just so fun to watch him and the excitement and feeling of accomplishment you could see on his face! :) They both rode their bikes this morning to school. :)

We have found a new church as well. I think we are going to like it! It was a great service yesterday. Jeremy asked me was it church or camp meeting. ;) Although we know every service isn't going to be like that, but it would be great if it was! :)  We also attended one of the small groups they have on Sunday evenings, which was nice so we could get to know some of the folks at the church. Wednesday night, one of the ministers we met at TCC is going to be here preaching. I am so excited! I like him and his wife. He is stationed here but she stays in Columbus, so it will be a treat getting to see and hear him again. :)

Well, I am off to try to finish laundry and I am going to mop before I have to go get Lillian. She only has half days for the first few days. Hope you are all doing well! :)

Love and Hugs,