Monday, August 23, 2010

Do I really want to do this?

Have you ever agreed to do something and then almost immediately regret it? Maybe regret isn't the right word. Not sure what is.. Anyway, let me explain.

We are attending a new church and enjoying it. Like I have mentioned before, they have made us feel very welcome! I got a message from the Pastor and his wife the other day on FB that they were excited to see my hubby helping take up offering. They just asked him, so he helped. She said for us to let her know where we wanted to be used/work in the ministries. I did not respond. In all honesty, I felt that maybe we should sorta get settled and see how things go there. Plus, hubby is getting ready to deploy in just a couple of weeks.

The other day when I went to lunch with one of the ladies from church, who has become a quick friend. She told me how there was a deaf lady that comes to church there. I asked her who signed for her and she said no one. I couldn't believe it! My heart went out for this lady, but what a beautiful love for God to come weather she can hear the preaching or not. She can still feel his presents! She knew I could sign a little and decided then to pray that I would be used in that way.

Last night when we got to church, the Pastor came up to me and asked if I could interpret. The lady was there and he had heard that I could.. I told him I knew only a little and it has been a LONG time! However, the best part is that my MIL was here visiting and she can! So I volunteered her to do it! :) She did willingly as long as I went up front and sat with her. So I did.

After church and with the encouragement of my MIL, I agreed to try to work with this lady during services.  Plus, the lady who recommended me is so excited and so is the pastor's wife. I don't want to let them down. I haven't used it in over 5 years or so. I still remember some, but I have forgotten a lot. Not to mention I have never interpreted a preaching service! I can manage a conversation, but a whole service? Songs and all?? I just don't know. I have always felt that I should learn more and wanted to use it somehow, but is this that time? I want to learn it for personal reasons as well. I am not guaranteed hearing in my left ear will remain, so it would benefit me as well. I know that it is just a spirit of fear, but then doubt as well. So I would like for you all to pray for me that I will know if this is something I am supposed to do or not. I want to be in his will and if he wants me to follow through with this then he will help me remember what I did know and have forgotten and learn more.

I did go get books and a DVD at the Library today. So I am working through them and hoping it all sticks! :) Also, Diane (the deaf lady) recommend a phone thing that she has so that we can communicate. I filled out an application for one. It is free and you have to be deaf or hard of hearing, so hopefully I will get one. That way I can chat with her and we can practice that way as well.

Hope you all have had a blessed Monday!


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