Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Backslide or not to backslide, that is the question

I'm gonna jump on this bandwagon. Just what is backsliding? 

— verb (used without object), back·slid, back·slid or back·slid·den, back·slid·ing. 
  1. to relapse into bad habits, sinful behavior, or undesirable activities. 
— noun 
  1. an act or instance of backsliding: a backslide from his early training.  
What is a conviction?  a fixed or firm belief: No clever argument, no persuasive fact or theory could make a dent in his conviction in the rightness of his position.  

I am sure many see this in many ways. For me, a conviction isn't something I was forced to do. It is something that I felt God asked me to do. It was an outward sign of obedience. An outward sign that something had truly changed on the inside. Would I consider changing that outward appearance because I changed churches? Probably not. Why? Because if God showed me the reasons for those convictions, they were between me and God. No ONE else. I did it for God and no ONE else. Now the question is, would that be considered backsliding? Well to some people maybe not, although to some yes. It was a covenant between you and God or it should of been. You should of chose those convictions because of your relationship with God, not man. So I guess the only person that could say it is or isn't considered backsliding is Jesus. However, I can definitely see and would think myself that if some outward appearance  changed, how can an inward change not occur at the same time? I'm not saying that just because you wear pants you are going to hell. I don't believe that my skirts and uncut hair will get me into heaven, but I believe that when I studied the reasons for these convictions and I prayed and asked God to show me what he wanted me to do, not because my future husband was wanting me to. I asked God and listened. Therefore it became a conviction -between me and God. A promise that I made to him to do as he has asked of me, not anyone else.

On another note, if a Man of God says that I was backsliden, I wouldn't judge him. We are called to honor their authority in our life. If I judge him because he is judging me, I am only doing what I don't want him to do of me? Judge! Maybe some of that comes from being hurt or angry at something that has happened between us. So that would end up being just disobedience to God and not honoring a man of God that was placed in authority by God. Maybe I am no longer under that authority, but I am still called to honor that authority.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


I know that Modesty can seem like a bad word these days. Have times really changed so much that we have forgotten? Some things are better hidden..

The other day I sat behind a young girl. I am sure she is maybe 15 or 16, not really sure. She had this really cute dress on. Well, if you forget that it was more like a long shirt and was low in the front leaving not much to be imagined. Really? I couldn't help but think of my sweet girl and that Lord help me if she ever leaves the house that way. I prayed this girl would not bend over or lift her arms. Seriously... It really was like that.

Let.s do a light check.. Can you see through it?
Let.s do a hallelujah check... if I lift my hands how short is it?
Let.s do a bend over check.... can you see down it? does it come up too high in the back?
You get the picture...

I kept thinking she is right in front of my husband and the words of my pastor's wife came back to me. I don't want someone else tempting my husband! Yes it is a young girl and well he isn't like that. She will someday be a grown woman.. What are we teaching our girls these days?

I know shopping for myself is a challenge.. It is made too tight or too short. Heck I seem to buy bigger just so I don't feel like I am squeezing into everything. If it is too short I layer it or heck don't buy it. I have a limit on the shortness.. and the lowness in the front.

I want my daughter to know that she does not need to flaunt it to get a guy. She can be a modest girl and beautiful inside and out! If he can't love her for her modesty, he doesn't love her for her.

Ladies, teach your daughters to be mindful of themselves. Think better of themselves. No need to ask for unwanted attention.

I know I'm not the most modest, but I am working on it. He is still working on me....

I am done ranting for today... well maybe..

1 Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Over the last few weeks I have just been in a funk.. Not quite sure why. I can pin point a few reasons. Just trying to keep my head up. I know this is just a season.. Right? 

I have struggled with some offense and I shouldn't let it get to me like I have. I have realized that people were not what they seemed to be. I started to worry that when someone sees me or gets to know me, is it the REAL me? I know that we tend to change this or that sometimes depending on who we are around or the situation we are in a the time. I pray that no matter what I am always myself and I maybe this or that changes, but I never cave on my convictions or say things that I don't really mean.

Last week, I was offended by something that shouldn't have bothered me. It should of made me feel blessed! Instead, I started thinking they never said this or that when I was there and etc. You know that pity party? In all honesty, I didn't feel like celebrating in this blessing for someone else.. So I kinda lied...  Well I say stretched it. I did the complete opposite of what my flesh was feeling! I went with what I knew was right. So lie or not, I said what I wished I could of felt like saying. 

All in all, I guess you can't talk about someone else's weeds until you pull your own! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"Monday" kinda day..

Yesterday was one of those days... It was a "Monday" although it was Tuesday! We had taken a long weekend off. Hubby had a four day, so we enjoyed a three day! :) We finished school on Friday early, before lunch! :) It was a great break!! We enjoyed the weekend spending time with friends and a day at the park! So, I guess the Mondays had just lingered.. Not sure. It was one of those days where nothing seemed to go right. The computer system for school was not working. You could log on and then it would log you out or the computer would freeze up. Class connect sessions wouldn't work right either.. So that seemed to set my mood.. It was after a cup of coffee, but just seemed to set the rest of the day off.. I tried to keep it under control and not take it out on the kids, but I have to be honest I did.  With everything off and crazy, I started stressing and wanting to just get the day over with! Then started worrying that we would be doing school ALL day long... I am still working on this part of the home school it is okay if it takes a while and etc.. It didn't take all day, we did leave a little to make up today, but wasn't too bad.  Anyway.. when hubby came home he found me in our room laying on the bed with the door shut. When asked what was wrong, I told him. I just wanted some peace and quiet. Of course he didn't leave me alone either.. So I just got more aggravated. Rested a little longer and then it was time for dinner. I still felt tensed and frustrated... So as I did dinner.. I slammed this or that.. Yea real mature right? Just one of those days..  At dinner, realizing that not only was I in a bad mood, but now hubby seemed to be. I also noticed the kids seemed to be quiet and we getting along for the most part.. Oh would this day just be over! So I went back to my room shut the door after dinner and enjoyed a little quiet time - just me!

When I got up I was just relaxing watching TV with hubby and checked Facebook..  A friend had posted this article Mom sets the Tone. Yep.. Conviction! Not only did my bad mood affect my day, but it also changed hubby's attitude from when he came home. I had to agree, my mood definitely set the tone for my household.. Yeah what a great day... Definitely didn't feel like the "mom" I want to be or even think I am!

Praying that your days no matter how bad, we can overcome and hold in that "bad" attitude and not affect the rest of our household. Also that we can recognize that there will be days no matter how hard we try it will just be that.. a BAD day!! We can apologize and pray tomorrow will be a MUCH better day!!

For the record... I controlled my attitude a lot better today. :)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!

We enjoyed a great visit with family over our Christmas break. There was no drama this time and it was a really good visit. :) Over 3300 miles traveled there and back. We got back with about four days to spare before we had to get back in the grove of things. Good thing, I think we just slept those few days. Hubby and I were worn out! Didn't help that I had/still have a cold I picked up somewhere along the way. My voice is finally coming back though! :)

We are slowly getting back into the grove of things here. We skipped group this week since Monday was our first day back to school and I knew it was going to be a challenge. It went fairly smooth though. The last few days has surprisingly! I haven't really pushed things either just trying to get us going again and it probably hasn't helped that I haven't felt 100% either.

We found out yesterday where we are supposedly headed. I say supposedly cause you never know til you get there if it will stay that or not. We will be here longer though, since hubby got a follow on course too. Dates are still to be determined since we don't know the dates of the class yet. Everyone is just assuming.. I will not post where just yet. Just in case... :)

Hope you all had a great Christmas and Happy New Year! May this year be full of many blessings!!