Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bunched up big girl panties...

Yes, I actually wrote that title! LOL  I looked at it and laughed! Oh well... it is the truth these days.. :)

Some of you may remember, one of my favorite sayings is "Put on your big girl panties and deal with it!"  Well, needless to say I have had them on these days. However they are not feeling all that comfortalbe anymore! I am ready to let someone else deal with things here..

Let me explain a little...

Hubby has been gone about two weeks and four days. In that two weeks and four days, I had to get a new alternator put in the car. Yes, he tried to get it done before he left, but there wasn't enough time so it still counts in my book! :)  Finally get that fixed on Wednesday, the following Monday I was doing the good wife thing and trying to clean up the car. So, I took it over to the auto center and was vaccumming it out. Went to pull up so I could spray and wash it, it wouldn't start! So, thankfully there were two gentlemen there that one had jumper cables (for some strange reason hubby had taken mine out, they are back in now!) and the other pulled his truck over there and jumped me off. I drove straight to WM. I was worried that if I came home I would be stranded here so I figured best get it fixed now instead of waiting. At this point, I was still trying to be optimistic, this isn't so bad, Right?  Right! I only had to pay for labor on the alternator because I had just had that replaced the last time hubby was gone and the shop here worked with the mechanic in the other place and replaced it under the warranty. Thank you Jesus! My battery was also FREE! :) I guess it was still under warranty as well. So thank you Jesus!! :)

Well, I have to admit I prayed Lord, it has only been almost two weeks and I don't want to have to deal with anything else... I guess he laughed.. although, I am not really feeling like laughing at this point..

My dryer is acting up.. Sometimes it wants to dry and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I have to run loads of laundry two times or more.. It is really driving me nuts. I guess I need someone to come check it out. Although, not on the top of my list right now. You will understand in a bit.

The car, is still making that noise I think. Yes, the same noise that the NEW alternator was supposed to fix! So, now I have to find sometime in my crazy schedule to go and spend the day at the repair shop to let them see if it is the alternator again or something else... UGH! I really dislike auto issues without my hubby here! I have no idea about any of that...

I have a cold! UGH! Well it is the same old stuff I always get with my allergies or sinuses.. YUCK! I am trying to stay in today well, until boy scouts tonight and hopefully that will help.

I am trying to work on some burp cloths for my SIL to give to someone as a shower gift. I finally have the designs done, but for some reason my software keeps giving me an issue and shutting down. So, I uninstalled it and went to reinstall it last night. However, in the process of trying to get my book out for the code to reinstall this software, I found a leak and mold in my closet! I had called maintenance last week to come and fix a leak where my return unit is. Well, evidently they didn't get it all fixed much less really try. Anyway, it is still leaking and now has leaked under the base boards and into that closet! It has damaged and probably ruined my embroidery software books, two for sure. I am praying that when they dry out a little it will be better. Right now, if you try to open the pages, they just rip... Any suggestions on how I might save these? I need that code that is on the very front page! UGH!!!! So, I called maintenance last night and he came and looked at it and said he would have someone over today.. Still not here. I have moved everything out of the closet and the unit return closet so they can hopefully get it all cleaned. I want all the mold cleaned as well. I am also going to call the housing office to see if they will do anything about my damaged books!! UGH!!!!  Which I doubt they will. I don't need these books all the time, but there are times I do. There are still lots that I don't know about my software. I might could find some used ones, but will it be reasonable price without the dongle and software? I doubt.. :(

So now do you see why my big panties are all wadded up? They are definetly in a bunch! I am trying to take a deep breath and deal with it all one thing at a time.

Hope you all have a blessed week!
Love and hugs,

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