Saturday, April 26, 2014


I know that Modesty can seem like a bad word these days. Have times really changed so much that we have forgotten? Some things are better hidden..

The other day I sat behind a young girl. I am sure she is maybe 15 or 16, not really sure. She had this really cute dress on. Well, if you forget that it was more like a long shirt and was low in the front leaving not much to be imagined. Really? I couldn't help but think of my sweet girl and that Lord help me if she ever leaves the house that way. I prayed this girl would not bend over or lift her arms. Seriously... It really was like that.

Let.s do a light check.. Can you see through it?
Let.s do a hallelujah check... if I lift my hands how short is it?
Let.s do a bend over check.... can you see down it? does it come up too high in the back?
You get the picture...

I kept thinking she is right in front of my husband and the words of my pastor's wife came back to me. I don't want someone else tempting my husband! Yes it is a young girl and well he isn't like that. She will someday be a grown woman.. What are we teaching our girls these days?

I know shopping for myself is a challenge.. It is made too tight or too short. Heck I seem to buy bigger just so I don't feel like I am squeezing into everything. If it is too short I layer it or heck don't buy it. I have a limit on the shortness.. and the lowness in the front.

I want my daughter to know that she does not need to flaunt it to get a guy. She can be a modest girl and beautiful inside and out! If he can't love her for her modesty, he doesn't love her for her.

Ladies, teach your daughters to be mindful of themselves. Think better of themselves. No need to ask for unwanted attention.

I know I'm not the most modest, but I am working on it. He is still working on me....

I am done ranting for today... well maybe..

1 Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

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