— verb (used without object), back·slid, back·slid or back· slid·den, back·slid·ing.
- to relapse into bad habits, si
nful behavior, or undesirable activities.
— noun
- an act or instance of backslid
ing: a backslide from his earl y training.
What is a conviction? a fixed or firm belief: No clever argument, no persuasive fact or theory could make a dent in his conviction in the rightness of his position.
I am sure many see this in many ways. For me, a conviction isn't something I was forced to do. It is something that I felt God asked me to do. It was an outward sign of obedience. An outward sign that something had truly changed on the inside. Would I consider changing that outward appearance because I changed churches? Probably not. Why? Because if God showed me the reasons for those convictions, they were between me and God. No ONE else. I did it for God and no ONE else. Now the question is, would that be considered backsliding? Well to some people maybe not, although to some yes. It was a covenant between you and God or it should of been. You should of chose those convictions because of your relationship with God, not man. So I guess the only person that could say it is or isn't considered backsliding is Jesus. However, I can definitely see and would think myself that if some outward appearance changed, how can an inward change not occur at the same time? I'm not saying that just because you wear pants you are going to hell. I don't believe that my skirts and uncut hair will get me into heaven, but I believe that when I studied the reasons for these convictions and I prayed and asked God to show me what he wanted me to do, not because my future husband was wanting me to. I asked God and listened. Therefore it became a conviction -between me and God. A promise that I made to him to do as he has asked of me, not anyone else.
On another note, if a Man of God says that I was backsliden, I wouldn't judge him. We are called to honor their authority in our life. If I judge him because he is judging me, I am only doing what I don't want him to do of me? Judge! Maybe some of that comes from being hurt or angry at something that has happened between us. So that would end up being just disobedience to God and not honoring a man of God that was placed in authority by God. Maybe I am no longer under that authority, but I am still called to honor that authority.